You are invited
to a
Drive-Thru Retirement Celebration
In honour of Abe Harms
Executive Director
Mennonite Community Services of Southern Ontario

We thank Abe for his twenty-two years of faithful service to the community served by MCS and wish him much happiness, good health, and God’s blessings upon his retirement.
Please join us on Thursday, August 19, 2021.
Guests will be received in their vehicles between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the outdoor venue of the Aylmer Thrift Store, 300 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, Ontario. Please enter the parking lot from Wellington Street and follow the directed path of the drive-thru celebration.
COVID safety rules will be followed, including physical distancing, wearing masks, and refraining from gathering beyond the Government of Ontario’s endorsed limit of people. Please note that due to the need for measures of safety in light of COVID, we emphasize the need to attend as a drive-thru, rather than staying on-site in person.
Please tune in (or livestream) De Brigj Radio 105.9FM to hear a live presentation at 5pm, or follow the highlights of the celebration on Facebook.